
The Dashboard tab provides all the important statistics on password expirations, account unlocks, and enrollment status of users, along with an overview of the type of self-service actions performed by users. It also provides links to access the important features of the product and view important information regarding the domain. Here is what the administrators can view and access from the ADSelfService Plus Dashboard tab:


The Dashboard tab displays graphs that consolidate the information provided by important reports in the Reports tab. It gives quick insights into user accounts, enrollment, password self-service actions, and authentication results. These graphs are updated at regular intervals with the help of the Dashboard Updater. Administrators can create schedules in the Dashboard Updater for ADSelfService Plus to synchronize with the organization's Active Directory and update the graphs. The graphs are displayed in three different sections:

User Reports:

This displays a graph that focuses on the status of user accounts. The graph displays the following information on account lockouts and the password expiration of user accounts:

Enrollment Reports:

As the name implies, this graph depicts the following:

Audit Reports:

This graph displays the number of self-service and authentication actions performed by users. The actions depicted in this graph are:

Click on 'Reports' for further details.

Additional options :

Refresh : The Refresh icon, when clicked, updates the graph with the latest user and authentication information fetched from Active Directory and the product database.
Embed Widget : Administrators can also embed the graphs in the organization's web page or access the graph separately by using a URL. Simply click on the drop-down button, and select the Embed Widget option to do this.


The Quicklinks on the right-hand side of the Dashboard tab offer links to other sections in the product.

  1. The Highlights section provides links to configure the following important features in ADSelfService Plus:

    1. Password Reset/Unlock Account -Allows the domain users to reset their passwords and unlock their user accounts. This link directs users to the Policy Configuration section.
    2. Self-Update/Change Password - Allows domain users to update their Active Directory profile information. The Change Password option allows domain users to change their user account password. This link directs users to the Policy Configuration section.
    3. Password Expiration Notification - Allows users to receive email, SMS, or push notifications on Active Directory password or account expiration. This link directs users to the Password/Account Expiration Notification section.
    4. Password sync/Single sign-on - The Password Synchronization feature allows domain users to synchronize their domain account passwords across multiple enterprise applications. Single sign-on allows users to log in to the domain and access enterprise applications without logging in again. This link directs users to the Application tab.
  2. Under Multi-factor Authentication are the links to configure the various multi-factor authentication methods available in ADSelfService Plus. Clicking on any of the multi-factor authentication methods direct the administrator to the Authenticator Setup section for that method under the Multi-factor Authentication section. Here is the list of the various authentication methods and links to documentation to help you implement each of them:

  3. Under Other Features are the links to the configuration sections of the following additional features in ADSelfService Plus:

    1. Employee Search/Org Chart - The Employee Search feature allows domain users to search for users in the organization. The Organization Chart feature displays all the users in the organization. This link directs users to the Employee Search section.
    2. Mail Group Subscription - The Mail Group Subscription feature allows users to subscribe to Active Directory mail groups. This link directs users to the Add New Mail Group Subscription section.
    3. Self-Service Approval Workflow - The Self-Service Approval Workflow feature routes self-service requests from end users to the IT help desk for approval, following which the self-service requests will be updated in Active Directory. This link directs users to the Self-Service Approval Workflow section.
    4. Update Cached Credential -The Updating Cached Credential over VPN feature updates local cached credentials stored in users’ machines, so that remote users can access their machines even if they forget their passwords. This link directs users to the Updating Cached Credentials over VPN section.
    5. Mobile App Deployment - The ADSelfService Plus mobile app allows users to perform self-service password resets, account unlocks, and enrollment. It also lets them prove their identity (for specific methods) using their mobile devices. This link directs users to the Mobile App Deployment section.
  4. The Password Self-Service Modes section provides links to the guides and configuration sections for the various modes of password self-service listed below:

    1. Via Web Portal - Starting and Accessing ADSelfService Plus help document page.
    2. Mobile Access - Starting and Accessing ADSelfService Plus help document page.
    3. GINA/Mac/Linux (Ctrl+Alt+Del) - The ADSelfService Plus login agent allows users to perform password resets and account unlocks from the login screens of their Windows, macOS, and Linux accounts. This link directs users to the GINA/Mac/Linux Installation section.
    4. Automatic Reset and Unlock - The Automatic Reset and Unlock option enables the domain users' expired passwords to be automatically reset and their locked accounts to be automatically unlocked. This link directs users to the Automation section under Advanced configuration options in the Policy Configuration section.

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