Active Directory Reports:

Active Directory Reports (Reports > Active Directory Reports) provide information on the password expirations and account lockouts of AD domain users in an organization. These reports allow you to take preemptive actions and avoid a bulk of help desk calls related to AD account lockouts and password expiries.

This section includes the following reports:

  1. Locked Out Users Report
  2. Soon-To-Expire User Passwords Report
  3. Password Expired Users Report
Locked Out Users Report: :

The Locked Out Users Report provides details of the users who have been locked out of their accounts. A user gets locked out of his account when they exceed the threshold set for incorrect logins, in the domain policy. This report lists the users who've been locked out of their accounts and provides additional information, including each user's sAMAccountName, time of account lockout, number of failed login attempts, and the user's last successful login time. Click here for report generation steps.

Soon-To-Expire User Passwords Report: :

The Soon-To-Expire User Passwords Report lists the users whose passwords are about to expire in a few days.The information shown includes the Display Name and sAMAccountName of each user, the timestamp of their last password change, the date and time when their current password will expire, and the timestamp of their most recent login. This report also helps you take proactive measures to inform users to change their passwords before expiry. Click here for report generation steps.

Password-Expired Users :

If the domain policy mandates users' passwords to expire after a certain period of time, each user must reset their password before expiry. If not, the password will expire and users will be locked out of their accounts. The Password Expired Users Report contains the list of users whose passwords have expired. The information shown includes the Display Name and sAMAccountName of each user, the timestamp of their last password change, the date and time when their password became invalid, and the timestamp of their most recent login. Click here for the report generation steps.

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